Finding the route (English)
Finding the route (English)
Please note that the Hotel Romance is located just a few steps away from the healing thermal water in the very center of the spa area, which our guests are allowed to enter by vehicle on the DAY OF ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE without charge. Entry is restricted to private vehicles approximately 150 m from the hotel by “retractable pillars“. After lowering the retractable pillars, it is necessary to drive through as they will go up again.
All guests of our hotel can arrive directly at the hotel building, detailed arrival information will be provided prior to the arrival date. Please note that the hotel has limited parking spaces and it is recommended to book in advance.
You can use the following link to find your way to the hotel.
Our guests often end up in Moravská Street behind the Church of St. Mary Magdalene (300 m walk from the Romance Hotel, see picture below), from where it is not possible to continue the journey by car due to the presence of pillars. In this case, please use the route marked on the map below. THE ROUTE ON MAPY.CZ - On the day of arrival and departure, hotel guests are allowed to drive through the section in the restricted zone.

If your navigation leads you to a dead end, give us a call (+420 353 222 646 or +420 771 142 951.) and we'll be happy to point you in the right direction.